15 Keys To A Happy Marriage

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A happy marriage just doesn’t magically happen after the wedding, It takes patience, hard work, and the desire to make the marriage work. Love is only one aspect of a happy marriage because there will be times when love alone is insufficient and you will have to do more. Husband and wife must do their part to make their marriage work, here are some tips which every married couple should use.

1.Exercise or get a hobby. Look for sports or hobbies which you can both participate in, and no, watching TV is not one of them. Get active, this will not only do wonders for your health, it will also do wonders for your marriage.

2.Manners matter. Even if you have been with your wife for years or months, you should still make your partner feel respected and like you don’t take him/her for granted. So whenever it is appropriate say “please” and “thank you”, good manners come a long way, even in marriage.

 3.Laugh together. A marriage without any sense of humor is a dead marriage. Learn to laugh at your silly mistakes and never take life too seriously. Find laughter and humor in predicaments which would have otherwise made you angry, you will both feel better and you will have fewer wrinkles.

4.Fight right. Fights are part of every relationship and marriage, there is no couple which does not fight but the secret in fighting is fighting right. Keep your arguments productive, not destructive. Avoid name calling, this is very hurtful and this can damage your marriage. When things really get tough and you feel like you are about to lose control of yourself, take a break to relax yourselves. Furthermore, you should never initiate a discussion when you are angry, Words can be very hurtful and it is very difficult to take back what you have said in a fit of anger.

5.Have variety in your marriage. A dull marriage can lead to dissatisfaction in both parties, try something new every now and then to inject variety in your marriage. Eat at an unfamiliar restaurant, Go on a vacation, try bungee jumping together, your adventures will help keep you close to one another.

6.Learn the art of communication. This is one of the most important keys in a happy marriage, do not shun discussions on important subjects such as money, raising your kids, fidelity and more, this is a must for a happy marriage.

7.Spend time with friends. Just because you are married does not mean your social life has to end, its ok to go out with your friends every now and then. Doing things without your spouse will make you miss your spouse more which will ignite your passion for each other.

8.Tackle problems as a unit. When you are in a marriage, you are in a union. Do not look at problems as an individual, tackle your problems as the unit that you are.

9.Learn to compromise. No one likes to be demanded upon. If you want something which your spouse does not want that much and vice versa, you must learn how to compromise, this is the best way to avoid silly confrontations.

10.Keep things in perspective. Keep your eyes on what you want, a happy marriage, and work together towards that goal.

11.Seek therapy if there is a need for it. If you feel like you need help in making your marriage work, do not be afraid to seek therapy or help from a marriage counsellor.

12.Share chores. Modern times call for modern ways, it is not only the woman’s responsibility to keep the household running, especially now that more and more women are working. Husbands must also help out with the household chores.

14.Have a ritual with your spouse. This will help keep your love for one another alive, it can be kissing your spouse before going to sleep or having a date once a week so you can spend time with each other.

15.Be impulsive. And I mean this in a good way, Sometimes you just have to stop being so up tight and just go with the spur of the moment urge to seek adventures and spontaneous fun.

So there you have it, the 15 keys to having a blissful marriage. Yes, it is easier said than done. But at the end of the day, doing all these things will be well worth it.

By Naomi Epps

SOURCE: Blackloveadvice




Good advice.
Posted by babamighty on Feb 20 2014 @20:39
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