16 Vital Secretes To A Successful Relationship

Joy Levi
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How do I know all these secretes?

It's because I read relationship, motivational, self-help & communication books. Including my little experience & knowledge acquired in higher institution. Above all; the wisdom & knowledge God  has impacted in me. And my best teacher - Holy Spirit teaches me also -(Phil. 4:13) Thanks to be God!

I hope after crabbing these secrets; they will change your subconscious mind totally, your relationship mentality, impact more knowledge in you in-addition to the ones you know before & generate more intellectual development to your life-style. Moreover, you will have more positive mental attitudes, specific & a better understanding in any relationship you find yourself into. And also better awareness of your personal priorities in the arrears of spiritual things, career & for your desired, ideal successful relationship both now & future.

Read & enjoy yourself!

Now, lets start by defining success/successful & relationship before I proceed here:


Oxford Dictionary defines successful as achieving your aims or what was intended. In other words, it's the bridge that moves us form abstract into reality.


Relationship is the way which two people, groups etc behaves towards each other or ideal with each other.


1. RELATIONSHIP AIM: As we generally define the meaning of success/successful, most people never think, take time to define the kind of relationship they want with the gal/guy, which is wrong. If you're attracted to someone & want to start a relationship with her/him, first ask yourself the reason(s) why you want to develop such relationship.

The starting point of every relationship is having a clear aim. Some people go on without getting the fact of the relationship at first. Some will always ignorantly want to go with the flow and see what happens. WRONG! Where there is no vision or clarity of purpose there will be total confusion. Successful partners clearly define their relationship & succeed.

2. COMMUNICATION: It is a major key to building a successful relationship. It draws you both closer together. Helps discover and untie the goodness in each other. Opens the door of your heart to each other. Communication is not all about talking, it involves listening. Listening means; you accept your partner for who he/she is. When you listen, you don't judge, condemn, criticize, instead you accept which means he/she may not be right in their opinions, but you accept their person.

NOTE: The first sign of your bad relationship is your inability to communicate. Communication is a success tool you must master, if you want your relationship to succeed. To be a successful communicator, we must first have something of interest and then choose the better way & proper words to express our thoughts & ideas, so they will be clearly understood by your partner or friend. You don't need to use Morse Code for communication in your relationship, especially at the starting point, speak clearly to the understanding of your partner.

3. PURSUE YOUR DREAMS: In a successful relationship, each person is committed to his/her own vibrant dreams which they are passionate about. There is significant respect because they both realize that each person is not relying on the other to make his/her life works. They have same idea of what they are doing & where they are going to. When you pursue your dreams, it sends signals to your partner that you're very capable & competent to your personal affairs. Successful partners are focused on their dreams.

NOTE: A purposeless man or lady is a great risk & potential liability to get involved with. He/she could create problems and eventually destroy the relationship.

4. WORK ON IT: Successful relationships don't just happen, the partners involved works it out, mostly the guy's duty to make it work if he truly needs the relationship. You can't sit back folding your hands & expect a miracle to happen. NO! it does not work that way!

Now, if you as a Man reading this article wants your relationship to be healthy & happy, but you have not really paid the necessary sacrifices that could make it work smother. If you're not ready & capable enough to make your relationship work, it will definitely fail.  

Lets take a biblical instance in the book of Genesis 2:21. Where one of Adam's ribs was taken to make a woman. Thereafter, Adams eyes were opened & he later said - now this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.

What I want you to understand in the above-scripture is that God worked-out something that formed a woman out of Adam's body. Again, Adam found a woman beside him & said she was the bone of his bone, so as a guy who is eager to start a relationship with a gal & perhaps she's not responding as expected, you should do your possible best to work it out,  if only you sincerely need her.

Marabel Morgan A foreign Author of one of the popular relationship books once said: Women are fit-to-be-found. This is very true from the Genesis perspective.

Moreover, you need to also work on your character in order to achieve a successful & long lasting relationship. How do you handle your partner's spontaneous attitude? You must work on yourself first, before you begin to work on your relationship. Sure!

If you have challenges, the first thing to do is to ask yourself whether you're responsible for what's going on or not. And if the answer is yes, then work on that aspect of your character until you achieve a remarkable improvement.

Are you the type that jumps into conclusion or not attentive enough? You need to work on yourself & then bring your improvement into your relationship. When solving a relationship challenge, always start with introspection that exactly where the problems are.

Again, be persistence in working on it to make it happen, because perseverance is the success quality of continuously trying whenever you don't succeed at first, second & yet at third time, persist until you achieve it. Winners don't quite & quitters do not win. Also learn to take risk on your partner; this will convince her/him the more that you sincerely care.

NOTE: Generally, if you want to be successful both in your relationship & otherwise, you must stop procrastination & act fast at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time. Moreso, if you want to overcome procrastination, you must put new information in your sub-conscious mind to change your thought patterns.

"Do it now immediate action is the great habit to development once you have made the proper decision(s), instead of procrastination".

The law of focus says: Anything you meditate on daily basis grows inside of you. VERY TRUE!

5. RESOLVE CONFLICT QUICKLY: Remember conflict arises even in the midst of best relationships.

NOTE: If there are no conflicts in a relationship, you have to rise immediately with suspicious that something is definitely wrong. Either one of you is a perpetual liar or worse, is in denial of his or her emotions.





I need a wife 08181673094
Posted by Judeuzoma on Dec 29 2013 @20:33
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